Janice F. Booth is a writer and educator. Her long-running garden column (What’s Up? Media Publications) and published poems reflect Jan’s reverence for Nature in varied guises. As a journalist she authored Crofton: Images of America. Jan’s poetry is included in The Song In the Room: Six Women Poets, The Antioch Poetry Retreat: a Gathering of Poets, The Road Beneath Our Feet and periodicals, including S/He Speaks, photospecchio, Pendemic Journal, Silk Road Blog, and Avocet.
 Catherine Carter ’s poetry collections with LSU Press include Larvae of the Nearest Stars, The Swamp Monster at Home, and The Memory of Gills, with a fourth, By Stone and Needle, forthcoming in fall 2025. Her work has also appeared in Best American Poetry, Orion, Poetry, Ploughshares, RHINO, and Ecotone, among others, and she lives with her spouse in Cullowhee, NC, where she is a professor of English Studies at Western Carolina University.
 Carol Casey writes poetry and short stories. Her poetry has been published in CRUX, the literary magazine of The Catholic University of America; the National Catholic Reporter; and Bay to Ocean Journal. Her poem “How to Make a Beach” from Bay to Ocean Journal 2019 and her short story, “Widow,” from the Bay to Ocean Journal 2020, were Pushcart Prize nominees. She relocated to San Francisco in January to live near her family.
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Katherine Gekker is the author of In Search of Warm Breathing Things (Glass Lyre Press). Her poems have appeared in numerous journals, including CALYX (forthcoming) and Rappahannock Review. She serves as Assistant Poetry Editor for Delmarva Review. Two collections of Gekker’s poems have been set to music by composers Eric Ewazen and Carson Cooman. Gekker was born in Washington, DC. She founded a commercial printing company in 1974 and sold it 31 years later.

Heidi Kasa is the author of the fiction chapbook Split (Monday Night Press, 2022). Her poem "The Bullet Cures" won the 2023 Poetry Super Highway Poetry Contest, and her poem “The Bullet Renames” won the Plaza Prose Poetry contest. Kasa’s flash fiction collection The Beginners won the 2023 Digging Press Chapbook Contest and is forthcoming in 2025. She works as an editor and lives in Austin. See more at www.heidikasa.com.

Jennifer Keith writes and plays bass for the rock band Batworth Stone. Her poems have appeared in The Free State Review, Best American Poetry 2015, and elsewhere. Keith was a finalist for the 2021 Erskine J. Poetry Prize from Smartish Pace. Her first full-length book of poems, Terminarch, won the 2023 Able Muse Book Award and is due out in 2024. She lives in Baltimore, Maryland.

Betsy Mars is a prize-winning poet, an incessant photographer, and assistant editor at Gyroscope Review. Betsy has two useless degrees, works as a substitute teacher, and has a large soft spot for animals, mosquitos excepted. She currently lives in California and is looking for her forever home. Betsy has written two chapbooks – Alinea, and In the Muddle of the Night, co-authored with Alan Walowitz—and is sporadically wrestling with a full-length manuscript titled Rue Obscure.
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Michael Salcman: former chairman of neurosurgery at the University of Maryland, a child of the Holocaust and survivor of polio. Poems in Barrow Street, Blue Unicorn, Hopkins Review, Hudson Review and Smartish Pace. Books include The Clock Made of Confetti, Poetry in Medicine, classic and contemporary poems about medicine, A Prague Spring (Sinclair Poetry Prize), Shades & Graces, Daniel Hoffman Book Prize winner, Necessary Speech: New & Selected Poems, and Crossing the Tape (2024).

Stephanie Susan is a queer poet. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire with a BA in Creative Writing and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. She is finishing the low-residency MFA program at Augsburg University, focused on poetry. Her work often explores nostalgia, family, relationships, queer identity, body and sex positivity, feminism and pop culture. Stephanie lives in small town Wisconsin and works as a bookseller for Barnes and Noble.

Christina M. Rau’s latest collection How We Make Amends takes a poetic jaunt from the forest to the sea. Other publications include the poetry collections What We Do To Make Us Whole and the Elgin Award-winning Liberating The Astronauts. She moderates the Women’s Poetry Listserv and has served as Poet in Residence for Oceanside Library (NY) since 2020. When she's not writing, she's teaching yoga or watching the Game Show Network. http://www.christinamrau.com